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发布时间:2022-02-09 20:10:01源自:http://gpcarmat.com作者 :说说控阅读(1176)

上海自带工作室1、I want my tears back now. 愿尝年少泪,尤趁未老时。

上海自带工作室2、C. Brief is life, but love is long.(命虽短,爱却绵长)

3、Give up worrying about what others think of you、 What they think isn’t important、 What is important is how you feel about yourself。 不用在乎别人对你的看法,别人的看法并不重要,重要的是你怎样看待自己。

4、YOU must leam to look after yourselveS —————你们必须学会照顾自己。

5、I am on your side

6、Destiny is sometimes cruel. 命运有时是残酷的

上海自带工作室7、"?善良和喜欢都该是免费的不该是廉价的" "Kindness and like should be free, not cheap."


8、True love never gets old -真正的爱情永远不会变老

上海自带工作室9、I will be strong enough

上海自带工作室10、Jump is also I love the heart also 心脏还跳就还爱

11、If you smile, even if you’re in a bad mood, it will immediately improve your mood. 如果上海自带工作室能笑一笑,即使心情很坏,也能在那个瞬间,改善一点你的心情。

12、If I could have anyone in the world, it would still be you. 纵然世间任我挑,我的选择仍是你。

13、Insight into the traditional code of conduct will feel lonely city. 洞察了人情世故才会觉得城市孤独。

14、You are not really happy, your happiness is just your camouflage. 你不是真正的快乐,你的快乐只是你的保护色。

15、I thought I could be strong no longer cry, but that's just thought. 我以为我可以坚强的不再哭,可那只是以为。

16、I'm just in your life of dispensable. Chasing you backlight shadow everywhere ceased. 我只是你生命里的可有可无。追着你逆光的影子无处停歇。

上海自带工作室17、Each kingdom without inhabitant, a person strings strings and conformity conformity. 【vs】 相爱的国度里没有人居住,一个人恍恍又惚惚。

上海自带工作室18、Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way

19、Forever is a long time, but I wouldn’t mind spending it by your side. 永远好远,但若有你相伴,我愿和你共度此生。

20、Love,living things,is you let me know! 爱情,扯淡的东西,是你让我懂得!

上海自带工作室21、Promise, sometimes,is what a cheater said to a fool.承诺,有时候,就是一个骗子说给一个傻子

22、To convert defeat into victory

上海自带工作室23、Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards. 人往高处走,水往低处流。

24、If we are meant to meet again, then we will meet again. 如果我们注定要再次见面,那我们就会再见。

上海自带工作室25、Vulnerable to the attack had been past hope. 百毒不侵的人也曾无可救药过。

26、Many people do not need good-bye, because of just going by. 很多人不需要再见,因为只是路过而已。

上海自带工作室27、The person has not changed, the change is the heart. 人没变,变的是心。

28、I am not willing much, many do not know, who says to spare, it is more profound. 我多不舍得,多不懂得,谁说割爱,才更深刻。

上海自带工作室29、Health care three thousand days less than the cold when a suit. 嘘寒问暖三千日,不及凉时一身衣。

上海自带工作室30、La ringrazio per il tuo sorriso, ho avuto il panico Love. 谢谢你的微笑,曾经慌乱过我的年华。

31、What you see reflects what your heart is like. 你看到什么样的世界,你就拥有什么样的内心。

32、I have no sense of security,because I love you too. 我没有安全感,是因为我太爱你……

33、[Only I know how important you are. 你有多重要只有我知道。

34、I smile,but it doesn’t mean everything is OK. 我微笑,并不代表一切都好

35、Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain。

36、Home is where the heart is. 心在的地方就是家。

37、Life with sex for their own and live.(一生随性为自己而活)

38、Can we still be friends? Just like before. 我们还能做朋友吗?就像从前一样 。

上海自带工作室39、A man is not old until his regrets take place of his dreams . 只有当遗憾取代了梦想,人才算老。

40、Life is a pain in the neck. 生活很讨厌,还好我可爱

41、I accept the fate. 我认命


43、She likes him. He likes her. Everyone knows, except them. 她喜欢他,他喜欢她。所有人都知道,除了他们

44、You And I Were Meant To Be. 你和我早已命中注定。

上海自带工作室45、If I chang

46、It take courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are. 长大,成为你自己,是件需要很大勇气的事情。

47、The memory of the fish without water. 鱼的记忆没有水。

48、Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that. 彼此相爱就是幸福。如此简单,如此难

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